
In this post we are going to focus on the advantages of operating your business as a B2B. From both the buyers and sellers perspective, whether you’re focused on selling tactics or worried about making the right purchase here are a few pointers that can help.



Companies working with B2B have a much stronger commitment to their client base. With a regular B2C scenario sellers are focused on driving one sale or transaction and putting enough effort into that product or sales that the transactions repeat but B2B companies tend to focus on building a relationship with their customer. Of course this is not saying that there is any less attention on the product or service they are selling but it is about building a lasting relationship with their client instead of just a one-time sale.



Being that B2B is relationship based and not transaction based there is a lot more room to be flexible in the sale. Let’s break it down, B2B are not focused on making that one sales to someone they may never see again.  When your focus is building a trusted relationship with your customer and you know that they will be purchasing consistently, you are able to offer discounted pricing when they meet a certain quota. Here at The Boxery we are proud to offer Wholesale accounts to all of our clients – You work one-on-one with one of our team members to help get the best price and delivery option for your business. When you want to build a relationship and you know there will be recurring business there is a certain trust built that cannot be fabricated, which leads us to our next step.

Customer service.


This trust brings out a special attention in customer service. If something is wrong with the product or service the customer might feel more confident when calling in if the voice on the other end already knows their name and is familiar with their previous purchasing needs.

Knowledge & Information.


​B2B transactions are generally much larger than B2C and have more moving parts. That being said, it requires the sales team to have a wider understanding of the product or service. Especially when dealing with different industries, standards tend to shift and suppliers & regulations can change. For the most part in B2C things will stay the same and products don’t change that frequently.
B2C customers tend to do a lot of research on their own or they can find reviews online for a popular product such as a smartphone etc. but having a knowledgeable sales staff is key for creating a long lasting relationship with your consumers. Having a better understanding of the product helps build a long lasting relationship with clients knowing they can depend on you and trust. Sales teams know that this is not just a one-time transaction and there is a lot more at stake so they make sure to do their research.